Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Marketing 101: Wrap Vehicles Up with Custom Signs

Transportation has long been part of the advertising industry, particularly in providing an avenue for reaching out to potential customers. For instance, many businesses deck out their advertisements on their vehicles for better branding. If your business vehicles need to stand out and advertise your operation in the process, a detailing company is your ticket to effective vehicle wrap signs.

Branding is what carries the message over to customers who kept track of an official vehicle that just passed by. By consulting a local signage maker, you may factor-in the best elements of your brand and use them for conceptualising the vehicle wrap. Ideally, the sign maker should be the same outfit that crafted the signage of your business’ physical location, for consistency.

The fact that the official vehicle may be in motion gives potential customers less than five seconds to understand the gist of the message the ad wrap is trying to convey. To raise the chances of easier message understanding and recall, experts recommend not to use pictures anywhere in the wrap design.

A clear ad copy for vehicle wraps must contain only the most important details, and must stand out as much as possible to immediately grab the attention of onlookers. If you have the branding elements in place, you may then consult sign writers how to better show your business name, URL, phone number, and slogan in the final design.

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